Life saving treatment of guttural pouch mycosis
We regularly see horses with guttural pouch mycosis reffered to the clinic from all over Belgium, France, the Netherlands or other countries, after an episode of excessive nose bleeds.
Fungal infection of the guttural pouches are a sporadic occurring disease and is something that can affect horses of all ages and breed. A common fungus, found in the environment, causes the infection. The most common sign is severe nosebleed. The bleeding can start suddenly and it can be fatal as the fungus usually affects the carotid artery, running in the guttural pouch.
The diagnosis is confirmed by endoscopy of the guttural pouch were the fungus can be seen growing on (i.e.) the carotid artery. The treatment is to perform a transarterial coil embolization, a surgery done by very few veterinarians in Europe. A catheter is introduced trough the carotid artery in the neck of the horse and pushed up trough the vessels until reaching the affected vessels within the guttural pouch. A small coil is then pushed out trough the catheter forming a cloth inside the vessels.
This video on our facebook page, gives a look inside the guttural pouch, before and after the surgery of Nuage, a 16 year old horse. After this lifesaving surgery, Nuage was sent home and was doing well quickly.